Monday, December 30, 2019
From the President June 2015
From the President June 2015 From the President June 2015 From the President June 2015A Bright Future for ASMEWhen ASMEs first president, Professor Robert H. Thurston, gave closing remarks following his first year as president in 1881, he made a statement very similar to ASMEs present-day mission, which is to utilize engineering knowledge to improve the quality of life. In comparison, he used these words, to ensure to everyone absolute freedom to learn and to labor in any department of industry, with fitting recompense for all the zeal, intelligence and good work that we offer the world. Its really astonishing how these words resonate throughout ASMEs 135 years of existence and, still, form the root of our present-day mission.As I gave my final remarks as ASME president, on June 9 at the Annual Meeting in Jacksonville, Fla., I stated how our founders defined mechanical engineering as a profession while shaping the world similar to how we are shaping the world today by unleashing tech nologys potential. Although methods change, ASME is not reinventing the wheel we are using available knowledge and neuheit to reach toward a brighter future. Technological innovation has provided numerous opportunities for ASME to explore new market-focused strategies, particularly in the areas of energy and advanced manufacturing. Converging technologies of advanced sensors and the Internet of Things into smarter, well-integrated systems are giving us safer, better diagnostics and inspections. Also, 3D printing is broadening opportunities for creative solutions and learning processes. One of the things that really excites me about our future is the effort weve made to engage students in the engineering process. Students are learning that while engineering is both inspiring and challenging, it can also be a lot fun. The collaboration between the ASME Foundation and NASA was particularly exciting as K-12 students participated in the inaugural 3D space challenge through Future Engi neers. This program gave students the opportunity to actually design tools and other gadgets that astronauts can use onboard the International Space Station. ASME Standards Certification continues to proactively address the issues that will enable ASME to face future needs and demands that ensure safety and reliability in technology. A new online pipeline standards compendium (PTB-9) is now available for users and for public understanding of federal pipeline safety regulations. Another project, in the works, has been developing ways to bring standards education into curricula, so that students are prepared to work as engineers from the start. It has been a great honor to serve as president of ASME this past year and an even greater privilege to do so with the leadership of our mainboard of Governors, our volunteers, ASME Executive Director Tom Loughlin and the ASME staff. Because of our collective efforts, our membership has grown worldwide and our outreach has multiplied into mi llions through our partnerships and extended networks. Our commitment in more mission-focused implementation of Pathway 2025 and activities under ONE ASME have put us on a course for growth and future success well into the 21st century. Please join me as an active participant in the Societys programs and activities. Lets all be a part of ASMEs bright future.J. Robert Sims ASME President
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Dream job alert Cards Against Humanity is hiring writers
Dream job alert Cards Against Humanity is hiring writersDream job alert Cards Against Humanity is hiring writersLets face it. Game nights were pretty lame before Cards Against Humanity came into the mix. Its everyones favorite game because not only is it hilarious but also shows you which of your friends are the most perverse and that is a priceless gift. The tagline is literally a party game for horrible people.As it explains on the site,in each round one player asks a question from a black card, and everyone else answers with their funniest white card. Here are a few classics, courtesy of BuzzFeed.There have probably been plenty of times during the game when you thought to yourself, that was a good card but I could have written an even better one. Well, you are in luck becauseCards Against Humanityis currently hiringnew contributing writersto be on its kollektiv of remote contributors. The pay is $40 per hour but some people would probably do it for free for bragging rights alone.B ut you better dig deep into your sarcastic and awkward soul as the application, your best 15 white cards and five best black cards, is due by Friday, Aug. 31. From the site We strongly encourage applicants from historically marginalized communities to apply, particularly people of color, immigrants, and members of the LGBTQ+ community, the company wrote on its application site. Also looking for hot single dads. So there you have it. Apply here.
Friday, December 20, 2019
5 Tips to Get the Most out of Mentoring
5 Tips to Get the Most out of Mentoring5 Tips to Get the Most out of Mentoring5 Tips to Get the Most out of MentoringWhetherbei youre a mentor or a mentee, the benefits of beratung are undeniable. Heres what you need to know. TWEETAlthough it isnt really a new process, mentoring in the workplace has grown in popularity in the last few years. There are a great number of benefits that come from being mentored or serving as a mentor. However, sometimes its tough for a partie acting in this capacity to know what exactly is expected in this role. Here is some career advice on being a great mentor and for making the process mutually beneficial.Start positive.While the idea of mentoring is great, without the right mentality, you and your mentee wont reap all the benefits. If youve been asked to mentor a colleague, congratulations This is a reflection of your employers trust in your abilities and respect for your professionalism.Sure, you may have a lot of other things to do, but consider th is a great opportunity to develop a new skill set that will serve you well as you continue to climb the corporate ladder. Enter this relationship with the right mindset and youll set the tone for a great mentorship.Consider the mentees needs.Mentoring should never be a one-size-fits-all approach because no two people are the same. TWEET Before you delve in, consider the needs of your mentee and his or her current circumstances. For instance, is this a new employee? Someone struggling with performance? Does the person have previous experience in the field or did he or she recently change careers? Your approach for a recent college graduate tackling his or her first professional role will be quite different than it would be for a veteran in the industry who is changing companies. Knowing who you are coaching is as important as knowing what you are coaching.Train yourself first.One of the benefits of mentoring is that you are given a chance to refresh your own skills. While we generall y get an overview of the company handbook upon being hired, after a while we go less by the policies and more by rote. Reviewing the policies and SOPs is not only a good way to ensure your mentoring program is productive and thorough, but it can also enhance your own work. You know the saying that people retain 10% of what they read, 20% of what they see, etc.? Well, when you teach something to someone else, you retain 90% of what you learn. Again, this is a mutually-beneficial opportunity, so use itBuild the relationship.If mentoring sessions occur during lunch or after work, try to balance sharing work practices with building the relationship. Most mentoring programs are set up for an established period of time, be it a month or a year. However, this is a colleague and down the line, after the mentoring relationship ends, you also have a partner. Given the way things are constantly changing in the professional world, thats an asset that cannot be undervalued. Leave time to make a friend, not just check the boxes for the mentoring task.Learn from the mentee as well.There may be questions your mentee has that you dont know how to answer to, but thats okay. In fact, its a great way to learn more about the topic yourself. In addition, you can benefit a great deal from your mentee. You may be training him or her in company policies and operations standards, but the person may come from another company and have insights that could benefit the company and your work. For instance, a mentee who just graduated from college may be technologically savvy in ways that you are not. Remember that this is a coaching process, not a management or supervisory task. You can improve your own skills through this experience as well.Mentoring relationships are a growing trend and they are highly useful for both parties. While it can feel like more work for you, if you consider the benefits and employ these strategies, it will likely turn out to be an experience youll want to do agai nLet TopResume help you write the next chapter of your career. Heres how.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
9 Signs Youre Going to Be Successful in Whatever You Do
9 Signs Youre Going to Be Successful in Whatever You Do9 Signs Youre Going to Be Successful in Whatever You DoWe all define success differently. We all should define it differently (and heres why).Yet, at the same time, highly successful people share a number of common traits and attitudes. Theyre willing to face vulnerability, emotional ups and downs, and the risk of public and private failure.They want to succeed on their terms- and they arent willing to accept a cap on their success.Here are nine ways to know if you have what it takes to be successful1. You Enjoy Succeeding Through OthersTalent is obviously important, but the ability to work together, check egos at the door, and make individual sacrifices when necessary is the only way any kollektiv succeeds.That spirit can exist only when it comes from the top.And thats why successful people focus on the individual rather than the lokalitt, the team rather than the hierarchy, and most importantly, gaining happiness and success fr om the happiness and achievements of others.2. You Dont Make Choices- You Create ChoicesMost people simply choose from column A or column B. People on the path to success often skim through A and B and then create their own column C.As Jon Burgstone says, Every time you want to make any important decision, there are two possible courses of action. You can look at the array of choices that present themselves, pick the best available option, and try to make it fit. Or, you can do what the true entrepreneur does Figure out the best conceivable option and then make it available.And thats why entrepreneurs often accomplish the inconceivable- because to successful people, that word truly doesnt mean what everyone else thinks it means.3. The Voice in Your Head Is Louder Than Every Other Voice You HearOthers may doubt. Others may criticize. Others may judge and disparage and disapprove.You dont care. You see all those opinions for what they are elend right, not wrong, just data. So you sift through that data for the actual nuggets you can use. The rest you ignore.Why? You may respect the opinions of others, but you believe in your ideas, your abilities, your will and perseverance and dedication. You believe in yourself.And that makes you want to live your life your way, and not anyone elses way.4. You Believe That How You Play the Game Really Is More Important Than Whether You Win or LoseIf youre on the path to success, youd rather fail on your own terms than succeed on someone elses. Youd rather reach for your own future than have your future lie in someone elses hands. You feel its better to burn out than to fade away.Sure, you want to win. Youre driven to win. But, you want to change the rules, create your own playing field, and win the game you want to play- because winning a game when youre forced to play would still feel like losing.5. You Dont Need to Be Disciplined, Because You Cant Wait to Do All the Things That Bring You Closer to Achieving Your GoalsDiscipl ine often boils down to finding a way to do the things you need to do. Successful people cant wait to do the things they need to do. They have goals and dreams, and they know every task they complete takes them one step closer to achieving those things.Thats why people on the path to success can have fun performing even the most mundane tasks. When theres a clear line of sight between what you do and where you want to go, work is no longer just work. Work is exciting. Work is fulfilling.Work, when its meaningful and fulfilling, is living. And thats why...6. You Dont Want to Simply Gain a Skill and Then Live a RoutineSome people work to gain a skill or achieve a position so they can relax, comfortable in their abilities and knowledge. Theyve worked hard and theyre content. (Thats not a bad thing everyones perception of accomplishment should be different.)People on the path to success hate the contentment an acquired skill brings. They hate the comfort an achievement affords. They see acquired skills as a foundation for acquiring more skills. They see achievements as platforms for further achievement.In short, they pay their dues, and they want to pay more dues. They look at themselves in the mirror and think, OK, but what have you done for me lately?And then they go out and do more.7. Youre a Fan of Other Successful PeopleWorking for a large company is often a zero-sum game, because personal success usually comes at the expense of others. If you get promoted, someone else doesnt. If you get an opportunity, someone else doesnt.Thats why its really hard not to begrudge the success of others- its hard to be genuinely happy for a co-worker when youre disappointed.On the other hand, successful people love when others thrive. They know the pie is big enough for everyone. (Forget the current pie theyre out there trying to make new pies.)Successful people see the accomplishments of others as exciting and inspirational, and as validation that creativity and hard work do pay off.8. Youre Willing to Start a Movement of OneWe all like to belong, to feel were kindred spirits, and thats why some ideas quickly gain a following and why great ones can become movements.Joining a crowd is awesome. But every movement starts with one person who dares to stand up, alone, unprotected, and vulnerable, and be different- to say what others arent saying, to do what others arent doing, to take a chance and accept the consequences.What makes people on the path to success so willing to take that risk?9. You Think, Why Not Me?Regardless of the pursuit, success is difficult to achieve. Thats why we all fail sometimes. And when we do, its easy to decide events were outside our control. Its easy to feel depressed and wonder, Why dont I ever get the opportunities other people get? or Why arent my friends more supportive? or Why cant I catch a break?In short, its easy to think, Why me?Truly successful people ask a different question Why not me?Thats why an entrepreneur will open a restaurant in the same location where other restaurants have failed They didnt succeed, but why not me? Thats why entrepreneurs will start a software company with nothing but an idea They may have deeper pockets and a major market share, but why not me?People on the path to wealth dont assume others possess special talents or a gift from the gods. They see successful people and think, Thats awesome, and if she can do that, why not me?Good question Why not you?If you think about it, there is no real answer, because when youre truly willing not just to dream big but also to try incredibly hard, there are no reasons why you cant achieve it- at least no reasons that matter to you.More From Inc.Average People Are Productive, Successful People Are LearnersWhat the Most Successful People Do in the EveningHow Successful People Recover After Making a Mistake
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
What We Can Learn From Failure From Hillary Clinton-The Muse
What We Can Learn From Failure From Hillary Clinton-The MuseWhat We Can Learn From Failure From Hillary ClintonIn her first interview since the election, Hillary Rodham Clinton inspired, wowed, and moved the audience gathered in a large auditorium at the Women in the World Summit 2017. And while Id be hard-pressed to cite just one takeaway from her geschichte words, for the purpose of this article, I accept the challenge.Prior to the panel, interviewer Nicholas Kristof, a New York Times columnist, explained that hed put a call out to Twitter What should he ask Mrs. Clinton? Not surprisingly, what people most wanted to know welches how she was doing. Presumably many of them had seen the photos of Clinton in the woods near her home, and theyd perhaps seen some activity from her Twitter feed, but they couldnt truly know how she was faring after her defeat. She admitted that the loss was devastating, but responded, I am doing pretty well all things considered I just had to make up my min d that yes, I was going to get out of bed and yes, I was going to go for a lot of long walks in the woods and I was going to see my grandchildren a lot and spend time with my family and my friends who have rallied around me in an amazing way.The answer demonstrated a deep humanity and rawness, and hearing her candid acknowledgment of just how difficult it was in the days immediately following her defeat was nothing short of motivating.Its the ultimate show of resilience, isnt it? To fail and, no matter how hard it is, to pick yourself back up. To make the decision to get out of bed each day, even when staying in it and curling into a ball seems preferable. To keep going, even in the ugliest face of failure, and surround yourself with people who matter and activities and practices you value.Weve written before about failure and how even the smartest people face it sometimes. Weve heard stories about this successful leader or that accomplished CEO and their blunders along the path to achieving great things. And we know that theres good advice about how to overcome it and push through, but to hear Clinton speak of her extraordinarily difficult experience put it all in perspective. Although she touched upon the self-reflection and analyzation that accompanied her post-election moves, the most inspiring and, I think, educational aspect of her story is the mere fact that, sometimes, dealing with it looks just how she describes You acknowledge how painful the situation is, and you make a choice to move forward anyway. Thats what leads to healing- and ultimately growth.When you have a major career setback, or when you lose your job or learn that youre not getting promoted, its OK to take time to process it. Its OK not to act like everythings fine and to admit, instead, that youre intensely impacted. And its OK to face each day with a certain amount of ugh, so long as you get out of bed and turn to the little (a walk in the park) or large (quality time with family and friends) things to hold you up. After all, if Hillary Clinton can do it, so can we.
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Fight Against Best Resume 2017
The Fight Against Best Resume 2017 Its improbable that you would ever will need to use yur elementary vocabulary to earn a considerable contribution at the job. Its used when applying for work. On occasion a great resume is only going to get job hunters thus far. If youd like, you can ask assistance from a specialist. Employers know your goal is to find the job. When youre up against applicant tracking systems, and applicants from all around the nation, you want to obtain a means to stick out in each and every job you apply for. Your objective ought to be specific to the job which youre applying for. It is to get the job. Remember employment gaps, career trajectory, where youre in your industry, and where you intend on going. Instead, there are a lot of concrete skills you could pick up quickly prior to a work interview instead. The very brde thing you would like to do is receive a job which you cant do. Its usually the most essential aspect in receiving a job. Maybe you did lots of volunteer work or fundraising during high school which might also be noteworthy for them to understand your individual values and what sorts of things are important to you. The website provides some helpful prewritten phrases you are able to use if you become stumped attempting to produce your own. If youre searching for a some new opportunities, its recommended to craft yourresume 2016. If youre thinking about how to create a resume, youre in the proper location The Benefits of Best Resume 2017 Unless youre an IT specialist, you likely dont require a dedicated section spelling out your particular skill sets. The most important value of any resume is to bring the most crucial info, which hiring manager would love to find the most. You can begin to make a list of all of the responsibilities you had. If real estate is about location, place, location, then resume writing is about keywords. Introducing Best Resume 2017 Each level focuses on distinct abilities an d experience, placing the most significant front and center. As soon as youve written the correct content, select a design which best shows off your specific capabilities and fits the position youre seeking. Not just that, the candidate is in a position to create new products that could draw more customers, and ultimately increase profits. Essentially, you would like to quickly portray that youre a perfect candidate for those forms of jobs youre pursuing. In close connection to the very first point above, value has to be aligned with employer requirements. Moreover, in some specific fields (e.g. social media marketing analytics), experience is just relevant if its recent. Youre able to read more about the procedure for producing your value known inside my latest article. Its subscription fee is simply a bit higher LiveCareer, and youre able to create attractive and good-looking resumes, despite its free edition. Pay attention when you subscribe, however, because most servic es provide a number of different plans and a few plans limit the characteristics or number of resumes you may create. While you are still able to download your completed resume in PDF format, the service encourages you to make a link which youll be able to share with friends and possible employers. If youre wondering precisely how to start placing your key accomplishments on your resume or CV, this report provides some terrific tips. Once youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to learn how to vary using action verbs and receive a feel for what makes an effective accomplishment statement. Its therefore smart to bring a couple of minutes to learn how to create a good one for your resume, which this post makes it possible to to do. The New Fuss About Best Resume 2017 Again, you wish to make sure that your resume is readable. You may also download totally free templates from our Resume Library to get going on your best resume. Definitions of Best Res ume 2017 For that, you might downloadA resume templates on our site, or otherwise, you can take a look at these actions to produce the best resume. For each work application, pick the layout that most represents you in the context of the job which youre applying for. Since you can see, font size is extremely important portion of your resume and you need to ensure that it remains in your thoughts, when you writing your document. This template is just one of the very best in part as its quite modern. Decide on what sort of resume format you are going to be using. When you format your resume you wish to be sure your leave enough margin space to permit for printing.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
3 Benefits of Placing Overqualified Candidates Staffing Pros Need to Know - Spark Hire
3 Benefits of Placing Overqualified Candidates Staffing Pros Need to Know - Spark HireFinding a candidate with the right experience can make you feel like youre Goldilocks they either have too much or too little and the search is exhausting. But lets face it, in todays job market, candidates are mora likely to exceed the qualifications for the job.In fact, 70.7 percent of respondents in ur recent report agreed the number of overqualified candidates in todays job market complicates filling entry-level roles. While overqualified candidates seem risky and present their own challenges, filling roles with members of this experienced talent pool has its benefits.After all, the majority (87 percent) of respondents said they would hire overqualified candidates. Still, many staffing pros are reluctant to send these seemingly risky job seekers to their clients due to a number of potential client objections. Ease your clients worries by highlighting these benefits overqualified candidates can bring to their organizationMore valueClient objection Overqualified candidates may want a higher salary to start.Benefit More experience means these professionals get up to speed quickly. In our survey, 41.9 percent of respondents said overqualified talent quickly trains and learn their new positions. That means they will start making money for the geschftliches miteinander sooner with less dependence, oversight, and resources. Although they may want a higher salary to start, paying an overqualified candidate slightly more could, ultimately, save the business money.How you should approach this objection Explain the value of overqualified candidates to your clients. Then, to nab the right candidate, work with the client to create a fair and attractive offer that aligns with their experience and the potential value they can bring to your clients team.42% of HR pros say overqualified candidates quickly train and learn their new positions. sparkhireClick To TweetMore knowledgeClient obj ection Overqualified candidates are more experienced than other employees in the same role, and will potentially look down on greener team members or bring down morale.Benefit Having a more experienced member on the team only benefits the organization. They can serve as mentors to their co-workers, improving overall performance. After all, 41.5 percent of survey respondents said candidates with extra experience are qualified to teach other employees new skills. They can bring in the knowledge theyve gained from their advanced experience and pass on valuable lessons to your clients current employees.How you should approach this objection When presenting an overqualified candidate to a client, show them the skills they could bring to the company. Explain why it makes sense to offer the candidate a more senior role on the team. The candidate and client both benefit the potential employee will bring value to the organization by mentoring and leading more green employees while feeling r ecognized for their experience.More potentialClient objection Candidates who are beyond the experience level of the job are more likely to get bored and leave the company sooner.Benefit Although your clients may think overqualified employees will be demotivated, our report found the opposite. Among respondents who have identified current employees who are overqualified for their roles, 44 percent said they are equally as engaged and happy as other employees and 27 percent stated theyre actually more engaged. Not only that, 52 percent reported overqualified employees provide valuable skills that expand the role beyond the job description. These employees go above and beyond, contributing far more to the organization.How you should approach this objection When candidates are a good fit for the company but are overqualified for the role, 30.8 percent of our survey respondents said they would hire them with a clear direction on expanding the role to meet their qualifications. Simply ex plain to clients candidates will be motivated to work hard if given opportunities for advancement and the space for growth and back up your statements with hard data and candidate feedback.52% of HR pros report overqualified candidates expand the role beyond the job description. sparkhireClick To Tweet
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Attract Magnetic Leaders to Your Organization
How to Attract Magnetic Leaders to Your OrganizationHow to Attract Magnetic Leaders to Your OrganizationHow to Attract Magnetic Leaders to Your Organization MatusonIm often asked how companies can attract magnetic leaders to their organizations. Heres where to begin.Showcase your organization. There are many great organizations out there, although you may not know it. Thats because a lot of companies are best kept secrets. This is the last thing you want to be when looking to attract and hire magnetic leaders, or any talent for that matter.Magnetic leaders, those whose leadership style is irresistible, are in high demand. This means they can be fairly selective when deciding whom to work for.Youll have a hard time attracting magnetic leaders to your organization if they have no idea who you are. You need a strong employment brand that will pull magnetic leaders towards you.Here are three ways to bolster your employer brand, quickly increase your companys visibility and attract magnet ic leaders.1. Create a blog on your website that paints a picture of what its like to work for your organization. Highlight some of the interesting projects your organization is working on include photos of the team in action. Have your CEO on camera and post videos of the CEO speaking from the heart.2. Refresh your company website. Whether we like it or not, image is important. The first thing candidates do these days is to check out a companys website. Youll have an extremely difficult time pulling in a magnetic leader if your site appears old and outdated. Magnetic leaders will quickly move on to other sites if it appears that your business isnt investing in itself.3. Share your companys viewpoint. In my book, The Magnetic Leader, I write about how Ray Pawlicki, former CIO for Biogen, spoke everywhere he could. This included association meetings, conferences and clubs on college campuses. It didnt take long before magnetic leaders started reaching out to Pawlicki to ask him for a job.Raise the level of leadership in your organization. Its no secret that great people want to work with other great people. If you want to attract great magnetic leaders to your organization and raise the bar of your current group of leaders, youll need to raise your game.Its time to clear the deck. Remove leaders who simply occupy space. Once youve made room in your organization, look to curate a team of A players. Once youve been able to recruit one or two highly regarded leaders, others will follow.Spread the news. Send out press releases whenever magnetic leaders join your organization. This will send a signal to others that your organization is moving into a new league.Assess your current leaders. Identify areas where further development may increase your leaders abilities and magnetism. You can then choose from an array of delivery options such as onsite training, online courses and executive coaching.Review your compensation and benefits package. People will tell you that money doesnt matter. Those people usually have more money than they know what to do with. Money matters.Be prepared to pay top dollar. Magnetic leaders are considered top talent. If you want top talent, then you need to be prepared to pay for it. A competitive benefits package will be necessary.Salary surveys are one way to determine the going rate. Given the record low unemployment rates in many parts of the country, a better measurement may be what applicants are currently asking for in terms of compensation and benefits.The investment needed to assemble a team of magnetic leaders will have what I call a ROM (Return on Magnetism). Thats because people do business with people. A team of irresistible leaders will attract a higher quality workforce, more customers and more profits. And who doesnt want that?Read more The Seven Compelling Traits of a Magnetic LeaderAuthor BioRoberta Chinsky Matuson, president of Matuson Consulting, has helped leaders in Fortune 500 companies, including General Motors, New Balance, The Boston Beer Company and small to medium-sized businesses achieve dramatic growth and market leadership through the maximization of talent. She is known globally as The Talent Maximizer.Her most recent book is The Magnetic Leader How Irresistible Leaders Attract Employees, Customers And Profits. Previous books include Suddenly In Charge Managing Up, Managing Down, Succeeding All Around (Nicholas Brealey, 2011) (a Washington Post Top 5 Business Book For Leaders) and Talent Magnetism (Nicholas Brealey, 2013).
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Free Traditional Pest Control Templates
Free Traditional Pest Control TemplatesFree Traditional Pest Control TemplatesA traditional pest control resume keeps things easy. You can highlight all of your accomplishments and special skills with no frills and fuss. Also, this format is nearly universally accepted Look over the example provided to determine if this style will aide you in your job search.Create ResumeTraditional Pest Control ResumeCustomize ResumeIndustry SnippetsYour job is demanding, but making your resume doesnt have to be. Take a few minutes to look over the traditional pest control resume template to learn how to make your own strong one. Traditional Resume Pros and ConsOverall, this resume style is meant to help applicants who want to highlight their skills and achievements in a narrative format. Everything necessary is included, and froufrou designs are nowhere to be seen.Pros Organized wellPros Permits employers to give the resume a quick, effective scan to extract necessary infoCons Gaps in employment ar e highlightedCons You cant really show off your personalityResume TextGeorgeLeslie123 Street,City, ST, 12345Home (123) 456-7890 Cell (123) 456-7890 emailisp.comProfessional SummaryPest Control Technician with 10 years of experience in residential and commercial pest management. Expertise in integrated pest management with success in developing innovative plans to eliminate and control pests. Skilled in delivering exceptional customer tafelgeschirr and contributing to business growth through new sales and recurring business.Skill HighlightsIntegrated Pest ManagementSite Inspection and Pest IdentificationResidential and Commercial TreatmentCustomer ServiceBusiness DevelopmentTime Management Professional ExperiencePest Control Technician7/1/2013 CurrentAdams Pest Control, Inc. St. Cloud, MNRemove pests from households, apartment buildings, places of business, and other structures to protect people and maintain buildings structural integrity.Perform comprehensive inspections for pests , pest harborages, and pest entry ways, and determine, recommend, and provide required pest management tafelgeschirrs inspect premises to identify infestation source and extent of damage to property, wall and roof porosity, and access to infested areas.Cut or bore openings in buildings and surrounding concrete, access infested areas, and insert nozzles and inject pesticides to impregnate ground.Utilize, secure, store, and dispose of products and materials in strict accordance with labels, and government and company guidelines.Enable achievement of business sales goals by selling and upselling services to new and existing customers.Termite Inspector3/1/2007 6/1/2013Nichols Pest and Termite Control Minneapolis, MNConducted full and thorough termite inspections for private customers and clients such as real estate agencies.Reported and diagrammed findings and recommendations for homeowners and real estate agents.Assisted with applying pesticide, repairing or replacing minor damage, a nd performing woodwork. Organized work orders, coordinated inspections, and provided support to other employees.Generated new business and recurring business through referrals.Pest Control Service Technician / Field Service Technician5/1/2000 2/1/2007Dewey Pest and Termite St. Cloud, MNHandled service calls to residential and commercial clients.Mixed, handled, and applied products using different methods and treatments as outlined in account orders.Identified opportunities to upsell additional products and services, positively contributing to business bottom line.Education and CertificationIntegrated Pest Management Training Minnesota Department of Agriculture St. Paul, MNCertified Pesticide Applicator and Registered Technician
How to Find a Career That Makes You Happy - The Muse
How to Find a Career That Makes You Happy - The Muse How to Find a Career That Makes You Happy You chased that promotion because it was the next logical step (and ignored the fact that youâre not inspired by your job). You keep crunching numbers because others expect it from you (even though youâd rather work with people). Youâre holding off on making a career switch because everyone will think youâve gone crazy. Sound familiar? Do you know that sinking feeling that pops up each morning, as you dread going into the office? Is that pit in your stomach starting to feel all too familiar? From the outside looking in, you have plenty to be happy about, but you canât help feeling unfulfilled. Not that youâd ever admit that out loud. It has become your dirty little secret. In fact, you believe youâre the only one whoâs struggling, and it feels as if youâre failing and letting everyone (yourself included!) down. Well, youâre definitely not the only one keeping unhappy feelings carefully tucked away behind hard work and a pretend happy smile. Iâve seen it happen so many times, and Iâve been there, too. The good news is: It doesnât have to be that way! Here are three practical steps to help you find your way back. 1. Stop Pretending The first step is to be honest with yourself. As simple as it sounds, this can be the hardest thing to do- but itâs also the most important. Pushing your unhappy feelings away wonât make them disappear. Pretending you like your job only makes you a better pretender. It makes you work hard to build a career thatâs not fulfilling, and will never be; no matter how hard you try. Related: 10 Loud-and-Clear Signs it's Time to Look for a New Job You need to see the issue before you can solve it. Naturally, you cannot solve a problem when you pretend there isnât one. So, be really honest with yourself- no self-censoring allowed. (Youâll be amazed at how good that feels!) Try this script: âIf Iâm being really honest with myself, I feel [blank]. Often I feel like I should do more [blank] and do less [blank]. It feels as if I should be more [blank] and be less [blank]. If I could be anything I wanted and everyone would approve, Iâd love to do [blank] and be more [blank], but I feel I canât because [blank].â 2. Let Go of âShouldâ and âCanâtâ Most likely, youâve uncovered a lot of âshouldsâ and âcanâtsâ in step one. I canât quit medical school and pursue another career, because my parents expect me to be a doctor. I should be grateful that I have a full-time job with benefits- even if I hate it. Instead of focusing on what will make you feel happy and fulfilled, youâre living according to the âshoulds,â âcanâts,â and âsupposed tos.â In reality, youâve built a career (and maybe a life) that looks good on the outside but feels rather empty on the inside. And, youâve probably come to believe that youâre simply not trying hard enough. You think that if you work a little harder and commit a little more, youâll get your happiness back. But itâs not a lack of work ethic thatâs the root of your problem: Itâs that you are forcing yourself to walk a career path that isnât your own. Or, maybe youâre in the right role, but it doesnât feel like a good fit, because youâre holding back and not bringing your unique strengths, ideas, and voice to the job. So, take a good look at your âshouldsâ and question them. Walk through this exercise: I believe I should [blank] and it feels like thatâs a non-negotiable rule. But in fact, if anything were possible, I could [brainstorm three things you could do or be instead]: 1. 2. 3. Actually, here are three good reasons why that would be a win-win for everyone involved: 1. 2. 3. Repeat this for each of your shoulds. When you allow yourself to honestly assess your activities and commitments, youâll likely find that your priorities and what truly matters to you become clearer than ever. And youâll be amazed by how much more energized and empowered youâll feel. 3. Start Small This is where the rubber meets the road. Because only doing different things- or doing things differently- will create a real change in your life. Pay attention to what youâve learned in steps one and two- as well as what really energizes and fascinates you. Then, do a little of that each day. Pitch an idea to a supportive supervisor. Partner with a detail-oriented colleague. Proposing new initiatives (or declining, if thatâs what you need to work on) will help right your course. You donât need to burn bridges or make big, sweeping changes overnight. Plotting big steps sounds sexy, but in reality it often just leads to procrastination, without the actual doing. Small steps create real change and provide momentum to keep going. If youâve been feeling trapped in your career for a while now, thereâs no reason to just keep pretending. Instead, think about what youâd like to be doing, and take small steps to get there. Change is never easy. But, itâs a whole lot better than pretending. Promise. Photo of unhappy woman courtesy of Shutterstock.
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